Yesterday I was up flying and attempted to calibrate my AOA. I have a 3500EE with AOA built in, non "S" cpu version.
Anyway, I had the Calibration checklist with me, and noticed that when I got to the cruise section of the checklist at the "Confirm flap up" line, that instead of it reading "0OL" it displayed "1OL"
if I paged through the order every one had a "1" in front of it instead of the zero. Also if I follow the checklist it reads as follows. 0OL, 0AA, 0SA and then onto the landing page has 1OL, then 1AA and 1SA. On my EFIS the first one that showed up was 10L, then 1AA, then 1AP, then 1PF, then 1SA.

Since these were totally different from what was on the checklist i decided to postpone the rest of the calibration procedure.
Can you confirm I have the correct checklist dated 09/07 rev2.

I will try to give you guys a call next week when everyone is back from the New Years celebrations .