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Thread: Manifold Pressure Installation Questions -- RV-7A

  1. #1

    Manifold Pressure Installation Questions -- RV-7A

    I've been installing engine sensors since picking up my box of stuff from Advanced recently. I'm confused about the Manifold Pressure sensor. Some people are drilling another hole in the firewall on the right side (as seen from the pilot's seat) and running it in through there, from the #3 cylinder. I found that Vans even has a kit for you if you do it this way, with the parts and all. Others seem to be routing a hose to the transducer manifold on the left side of the firewall. The manifold DOES come with a third position, after all. Vans says you can cut if off if you don't use it. What I'm trying to figure out is, how do you figure out how to install it, and where? Are there any written directions or guidelines somewhere? How do you figure this out?

    Second question... related... My box of sensors from Advanced has two components used for the Manifold Pressure. Where are the directions for how to install them? And where do they go? I'm assuming they go aft of the firewall. ??? I've read the Advanced installation manual, there's nothing there (unless I missed it). Anyone have a picture or two about how you did yours? Many thanks!!

  2. #2
    Hi BSwayze,

    1st response - Yes, it can be a bit daunting at first. The trick, IMHO, is knowing what equipment you are going to use, lots of research/pictures, and taking things one step at a time patiently. I believe the best answer to this is to review other people's work - either though www sites, other builder(s) in your area, a local EAA chapter, etc. Personally, I did option #1 above - hole with a bulkhead fitting on the right side of firewall. I did this because my electronic ignition vendor would prefer I install it on the cold side of the firewall and it requires a vacuum signal. Van's bulkhead fitting allowed me to easily transition from the rather thick and stiff line to gasoline resistant flexible tubing/fittings.

    2nd response - You didn't state which model of AFS hardware you are using. So, I'm gonna go out on a limb here: Are you referring to the weather pack connector? If so, qage 85 of the 4500 manual version 7.4 discusses how to assemble the manifold transducer. I thought I had a picture of my install but I don't.

    Good luck - /\/elson

  3. #3
    Nelson, thank you! I appreciate your response. Yes, I've been doing a lot of research from all sources, and also checking with local builders and pilots. That's part of what confused me. Everyone seems to be doing something different. I do have an EAA tech counselor in my chapter, I'll have to check in with him, too. I'm learning more and more every day. I'm still in that awkward place that you feel like you're in when you get the finish kit completed. Vans has some helpful drawings, but the directions from them are very sparse at this point. I feel like newborn that's just been weaned from the mother ship. I'm a pretty good sleuth, though, I'll get this figured out. I just have to slow down and take the time to learn and be a bit more methodical.

    You raise a good point in your 2nd paragraph, I didn't provide any info on what I'm doing. Here are more specifics that I should have mentioned. I will be installing an AFS-5600 single-screen VFR system, with an engine board. My engine is an O-360 and it will have vertical induction with fuel-injection. I have one Slick mag on the right side, nothing on the left side yet. I'm considering a P-mag and I may even go with duel P-mags. I like what I'm reading about them, and when I went to install the rpm sensor on the mag last night, I discovered rust inside when I unscrewed the vent cap. So I don't know about this mag. Anyway, here's a picture of the manifold hardware I'm talking about. And yes, you were right about the weather pack. Thank you! I went back to the manual and found some notes on it. I still don't know where I'm supposed to mount it, though. I'd like to just get it done and move on, but I don't want to just bolt it on somewhere until I'm more sure about what I'm doing.

    Thanks again for your help!

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  4. #4
    It is in the manual under Manifold Pressure Transducer, those are the connector parts.

    We have the crimper if you want to use it.
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Hickman View Post
    It is in the manual under Manifold Pressure Transducer, those are the connector parts.

    We have the crimper if you want to use it.
    Thanks, Rob! I found it in the manual, and I see how it goes together. I'm still not sure where to mount it, but I think it will be wise to wait until I have the rest of the parts that go behind the firewall... the VP unit, the transponder, etc., so I can figure out a plan for all of them. I would like to borrow that crimper when the time comes. Thanks so much!

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