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Thread: EFIS sound volume (AOA)

  1. #1

    EFIS sound volume (AOA)

    According to AFS there is a new software engineer that is working on rewriting the EFIS sound system including the AOA volume. With my main EFIS and intercom sound adjusted to a normal level I still can’t hear the AOA volume very well.

    Hoping this update will be coming soon. I can hear the AOA for a landing approach but it’s not near loud enough. Any updates?

  2. #2
    Just got word from AFS that the fix is in the latest software being flight tested so good news. As always AFS listens to its customers and their tech support is outstanding.

  3. #3
    Gotta love AFS, they listen and implement customer requests. The latest Vx16.10.36-B11 03/22/2024 version fixed the AOA volume. I can now set the alert volumes to about 40% which puts it more in the background and have the AOA set separately so that it is loud enough to clearly hear it, customer service in action.

    Now if they can fix the checklist issue so I can define what pages I want assigned to the bottom buttons……..

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