I have been having problems with the AHRS in my AF-5600 EE Serial #71112

History / Symptoms:
1. May 2012 - Buy AFS 5600. Couple years later to complete build.
2. Nov 2014 - AHRS Hard failure diagnostic during initial engine checkout on ground - Sent back to AFS for AHRS replacement.
3. Dec 2014 - Reinstall and checkout - Notice wild full scale "ball" swings back and forth during idling on ramp
4. Jan 2015 - Horizon and ball both indicate about a 1 degree bank to right on level surface (not running).
5. Mar 2015 - First Flight
6. Apr 2015 - Get up into some smooth air ... ball still wanders a bit but not as bad as before. One ball back and forth.
7. Current status - 1/4 ball offset and 1 deg roll indication when plane is level and ball wanders in flight.

Please let me know what you think and any suggestions.