Took a 10.5 hour XC from UT to TX this past weekend and discovered several "new" issues with my 2008 3500:

1. On the last flight of the weekend, the lower right section of the PDF showed a continues run of what I would call debug or logging "chatter". A list of stuff like v-rate, h-rate, and a lot more with hexadecimal numbers to the right.
2. Page list options will not remain enabled. I can re-enable them and "save", but next flight most return to disable.
3. Same thing with my altitude bug. I find my way to enable the altitude pre-select bug, but on next flight it's gone.
4. Baro resets to 20 something inches between flights.
5. No wind data
6. No fuel options (says no GPS). Probably related to (5).
7. I reset the clock, but it won't remain set between flights.
8. No problem with GPS tracking from my G480
9. No problem with VLOC tracking from the G480.

Might suspect batteries need replacement? I've never done it.
I am not the builder. I'm just in charge of screwing the settings up!

Thanks for your help. See you in OSH, but I hope to have all this working before the flight there.

John Templeton