Posting on the new Forum to continue discussion from old one...

Apart from setting the GPS to NMEA IN/OUT at 4800 baud, I'm pretty sure there's not a seperate 'fast' setting on the Garmin 196, unless I'm missing something. I haven't changed anything on the GPS - the only thing to be changed is the updated EFIS software, and all functions worked perfectly before.

Although the normal, non-nav functions of the gps are present (wind & G/S for example), if I'm down route (i.e. not on the first leg or following a GOTO selection), then all nav info on the EFIS disappears until inside 10nm (at the 9.9nm point, to be precise).

I have just delivered the RV7 to be painted. They're going to repair the NACA duct and I'll pop the temp probe under the wing in due course.