Quote Originally Posted by dnelson View Post
Hi Bob - Wow, that's one for the troubleshooting books. When I was configuring the UAT back in November, the 'UAT Console' program would just up and quit if I let it sit for awhile (10-30 secs?). I would then restart the app, re-select the COM port and all my settings would still be Ok. At the time, I chalked it up to the app. Did you encounter this, too? Just wondering if this was a hint I should have paid more attention to.

Thank you,
No, that isn't normal. I've had the UAT console open and running for periods longer than an hour. I would give Bill a call to help troubleshoot the application issue. The demo mode will time out, but the console still runs. With that said, I'm also still running XP. The laptop at the airport can't run anything more current.
