Problems loading map data was resolved by reading previous thread on same.
Type: Posts; User: stickandrudderman
Problems loading map data was resolved by reading previous thread on same.
Cool, thanks.
Hmm, no response either here or by direct email to Shawn.
Hello all,
I have two 4500s installed and due to a landing accident the aircraft has been on the ground for some 3.5 years.
A friend just commented that I should send the 4500s back to AFS for...
Getting ready to go flying again after a lengthy lay-up.
I tried download PocketFMS latest data without success.
Asking questions on their forum revealed a known issue that requires a .dll file to...
Thanks for the quick response Rob.
I've just replaced my conventional mags with electronic emags.
I moved the rpm wire from pin 32 to pin 33 on the D sub on the 4500EM as shown in the available info but my rpm reading is way too...
Isn't there just a value airspeed that you can set to eliminate aoa on landing?
Thanks very much
I need to buy a new tablet and the choices that have SD card readers are limited. Can I use a micro SD adapter in the 4500?
I had spurious oil pressure readings that were down to a faulty pressure sensor if that helps.
The requests for software updates go back years with several broken promises so don't hold your breath.
This turned out to be user error. I was not moving the cursor across to the columns to the right before copying the data.
Having just converted from float to capacitance, cut the jumpers as instructed and confirmed that my new sensors output less than 5V I find the following:
I observed the data points changing in...
Just how long is this going to take?
I guess that's a "No" then.
Why wouldn't you want to display a direct cross wind?
Any developments on the non-unique identifiers chaps?
Did this feature ever get added?
If that question is aimed at me then it was 24th October when I updated the map data.
I still don't know what "2. What happens if you turn off the intersections? " means.
I deleted and re-installed the PFMS data onto my SD card without doing anything to the remaining two AFS files and all seems fine. Thanks.
OK, I'll try that. FYI: I always format the card before installing new data but we'll see what happens.
On its way, thanks.
I updated map data and sw version at the same time.
I've no idea how to turn of the intersections!
So, today I uploaded the latest software and something mysterious happened; the appearance of the map changes in that the airfields have disappeared but blue ATZs seem to be a new feature. In this...
I guess the ability to deal with non-unique identifiers is not happening?