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Thread: Alt encoder to FreeFlight FDL

  1. #1

    Alt encoder to FreeFlight FDL


    Hope I'm not repeating something already discussed before but I want to clarify this. I have an AF4500EF and AF3500EM connected by an Ethernet box. Both are S CPU units. Serial port 2 on the 4500 is assigned ICARUS altitude out. It is wired to my GTX-327. This alt encoder data must also go to the FreeFlight FDL ADSB transceiver. The serial 2 pin on the AF3500EM is physically available. Can I wire this pin directly to the FreeFlight FDL for encoder data or do I have to splice into the wire running from the 4500 to the GTX-327?

    Doug Weiler

  2. #2
    I believe that we only added this capability to the AF-5000 systems so to be safe you should wire it to the EFIS.
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

  3. #3

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