Can I display Traffic and Weather from an EchoUAT ( on my Advanced Flight Systems AF-4500 EFIS moving map?
Can I display Traffic and Weather from an EchoUAT ( on my Advanced Flight Systems AF-4500 EFIS moving map?
Yep, use serial 1 or 3 at ADSB 115k.
I asked this question on another thread, so ignore if you've already answered: My 4500 only has "ADSB/57K" - no adsb/115k option for serial port 3. I believe I have the latest firmware, is there another option I should be using? I've been through quite a few options but so far the 4500 does not seem to recognize the serial data from the echouat.
Mark Olson
All I can add is when I had 4500s they could be and were set to ADSB 115k and worked well?
Thanks - I discovered I did not have the latest firmware and once I updated it the adsb-115k option appeared. However the 4500 does not seem to see the data. I wired the echouat to the existing wiring the Navworx box had used - which was working when I upgraded - and previously when adsb was on but no towers/targets I would see a box on the 4500 saying ADSB: 0. With the echouat I don't see anything on the 4500 even when the wifi connection to Foreflight shows 1090ES targets (but no ADSB towers).
So the two boxes for some reason are not communicating. Ah the joys of debugging data connections!![]()
Use CHECK -> MAINT -> ABOUT to see if your ADS-B Master. Then you should always see OSHIP messages counting up.
You can also check:
echoUAT setup to the correct serial port and GDL90 115.2K baud.
Verify that you have XMWX Module Config OFFLINE.
Installed EchoUAT, 4500, serial #3, pin #5, set serial as ADSB 115k, traffic displays on IPad. “About” shows (PID:0) Idle, TRFC:0, FIS-B:0, OSHIP:0
Might be source config. Should it be GDL90 or TMAP? Is there an icon that displays to confirm ADSB-in is functioning?
Use GDL90 when ADSB 115K is selected. OSHIP should be counting up when connected. You may also need to connect a ground depending on how the power is wired.
Working with good performance report. But I’m ghosting or seeing myself. Uavionics says I need to make sure my N number is programmed into the EFIS because that’s where the filtering takes place. I can’t find anywhere in the 4500 to do that.
This is the first report I have had without self-filtering. Are you sure you have your ICAO Number (hex) and Call Sign filled out in the uAvionics setup? <-- The 'ICAO Number (hex)' is listed as 'Mode S Code (base 16 / hex)'