Greetings, I have a AF3500EF and AF3500EM and need to replace the SD cards, but cards with that capacity are more rare than a very rare thing.
What do you suggest??
Greetings, I have a AF3500EF and AF3500EM and need to replace the SD cards, but cards with that capacity are more rare than a very rare thing.
What do you suggest??
RV7QB ZK-NVS/AF3500EF & EM/GNS430W/SL30/GTX335/TT ADIP II - 840 hours (Hobbs)
on amazon]
Thanks Alan, NZ$35 is quite expensive for such a small card (freight costs to NZ from the US are horrific!!)...
Are there any reasons why I couldn't use a microSD card and an adapter?
RV7QB ZK-NVS/AF3500EF & EM/GNS430W/SL30/GTX335/TT ADIP II - 840 hours (Hobbs)
Adapters seem to work, I would check with local camera and electronics shops. Anything <=2GB will work so you can get away with using old 128MB cards as well.