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Thread: FADC1 Messages

  1. #1

    FADC1 Messages

    Just installed a GTN650Xi into my dual-4500s system, it works swimmingly in initial ground & flight testing.

    What messages are supported in the FADC1 output format? Specifically I'm wondering if GB (True Airspeed) is/could be sent, as that can be used by the GTN to calculate and factor winds aloft when displaying the glide range ring and closest emergency landing airport.

    From the RS32 debug screen on the GTN it appears the following messages are being received (though this is on-ground, I haven't looked to see if there's differences while airborne):
    • GA IAS
    • GD Pressure Alt
    • GF OAT
    • GL Heading
    • GO Fuel Flow
    • GP Fuel Used
    • GR Fuel Rem
    • Ga Baro-corrected Alt
    • Gb Baro Setting

    Thanks ~
    Joshua Wyatt
    RV-9A N627DW @ KRST - Flying
    4500sEE + 4500sMFD | Stratux Dual-Band, GTN650Xi

  2. #2
    I was able to verify airborne recently that the GTN is not showing any wind data, quite probably due to the lack of TAS input. Is there an official means, beyond this forum, to request added features? I know my 4500s are outdated and no longer in active development, but I know that there was an update made to support the GTN navigators in other ways, so perhaps it’s still possible.

    Thanks ~
    Joshua Wyatt
    RV-9A N627DW @ KRST - Flying
    4500sEE + 4500sMFD | Stratux Dual-Band, GTN650Xi

  3. #3
    We do not send TAS over FADC1; the sentences you list are what we send. Development for the AF-3000S/4000 product family has ceased and no further software updates are planned.

  4. #4
    Thanks, Jonathan. Unfortunate but as expected. Appreciate your reply.
    Joshua Wyatt
    RV-9A N627DW @ KRST - Flying
    4500sEE + 4500sMFD | Stratux Dual-Band, GTN650Xi

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