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Thread: AOA Volume

  1. #1

    AOA Volume

    I have exchanged e-mails with Rob about the AOA volume not being loud enough. I know it was on the list but any updates on a patch to the software to increase the AOA volume independent from the EFIS master volume?

    I can barely hear it in my headset and I have the AOA volume at 100%. If I turn up the EFIS master volume loud enough for the AOA to be heard clearly then the rest of the EFIS audio is way too loud. I use a Garmin GMA 245 intercom and have played around with the audio levels but still no change.

    Maybe just a software patch for this issue without a whole software update?
    Last edited by Oly148; 10-16-2023 at 05:42 AM.

  2. #2
    There was some discussion from AFS about software updates coming late January to allow more AOA volume. Haven’t heard anything, and progress?

  3. #3
    Update to AOA volume- one of the recent software updates fixed the issue I was having with the AOA volume. This along with some configuration changes recommended by AFS and all is well. Now I can actually turn all the master audio alerts off but still control the AOA volume separately and it works great.

  4. #4
    I'm confused. I check regularly for software updates, and have seen some mention of an upcoming release, but according to the AFS support page on this topic, the last 5600/6600 software release was Vx16.10.35-TOUCH-MV16 which was dated 28 Nov 2023.

    Am I looking in the wrong place?

  5. #5
    The road to V17 EFIS software has been a bit of a bumpy one. While it has not yet been released publicly on our website, we do have beta versions of V17 software in flight testing with a small population of willing customers.

    Oly is one of these individuals who has been sent beta software to test, as he was who brought to our attention the issue that our AOA tones were being attenuated by certain models of audio panel. This problem necessitated a software update that allowed the AOA volume to be manually controlled, and thereby boosted above the level at which his audio panel would filter out the sound. Oly's feedback through flight testing of this software has been critical to allowing us to verify that the issue is now resolved.

    V17 software will be released when all other issues that have been similarly discovered by customers are addressed to the same satisfying degree. I believe we are extremely close at this point, but there is no timetable for release. It will be released when it is ready.

  6. #6
    Hi Jonathon, thanks very much for your reply, I (and many others I'm sure) completely understand the current state of affairs. Look forward to seeing a V17 release when it is ready.

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