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Thread: AOA Volume

  1. #1

    AOA Volume

    I have exchanged e-mails with Rob about the AOA volume not being loud enough. I know it was on the list but any updates on a patch to the software to increase the AOA volume independent from the EFIS master volume?

    I can barely hear it in my headset and I have the AOA volume at 100%. If I turn up the EFIS master volume loud enough for the AOA to be heard clearly then the rest of the EFIS audio is way too loud. I use a Garmin GMA 245 intercom and have played around with the audio levels but still no change.

    Maybe just a software patch for this issue without a whole software update?
    Last edited by Oly148; 10-16-2023 at 05:42 AM.

  2. #2
    There was some discussion from AFS about software updates coming late January to allow more AOA volume. Haven’t heard anything, and progress?

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