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Thread: Ethernet Hub?

  1. #1

    Ethernet Hub?

    I have a 3500s EFIS and a 3400s EM with map and XM for my RV-8. The instruction manual says I have to have an Ethernet hub from a 12V sourse with the dual screens. The manual recommends a Linksys 5-Port 10/100 Switch Model SE2500. The manual says this is a 12V unit. I looked this model number up and it is for house use. Where can I purchase the 12V unit? Thank You. Lyle

  2. #2
    Hi Lyle,

    The SE2500 comes with what is called a 'wall wart'. It's just a device that converts your household voltage down to 12V DC for use by the Ethernet switch. You'll probably just cut the cord off the "wall wart" and adapt that into your electrical system. Since you are dealing with DC (Direct Current) voltages, wou do need to be very careful about polarity. On the back of the switch where you plug in the power, you'll see a diagram of the proper polarity.

    If you've only two devices, I don't understand why an Ethernet switch is needed. If that's the case, I would think you could use a "crossover" cable between the two units and be done with it. Does XM use Ethernet?

  3. #3
    Yep, you don't need a hub if you don't use XM. XM is ethernet based so it requires you to add a hub to the system. You could also get a 5V hub and have it powered from the auxiliary connector on one of the AFS boxes. The 5V is provided for GPS use but could power a hub instead as long as the current required by the hub is less than 0.35 amps. There was a recent thread discussing this as an option. If you used a 5V hub powered by the AFS box, if all ships power were lost, your AFS boxes and XM would still be talking. However, the amount of time that the internal battery would power the EFIS would decrease somewhat. You would need to do some testing to determine if the reduced endurance was acceptable for the type of missions you plan to fly.
    Highest Regards,

    Noah F
    Rhode Island

  4. #4
    If you don't have dual displays, you can directly connect the WxWorks XM receiver to your unit. No switch/hub required. If you have dual display, everything has to be connected via switch. You buy can buy any switch from an electronic store. They'll either be 12V or 5V. 12V switches are harder to come by, but they can be wired straight to your power bus, with fuse. You'll just do what the previous poster said and snip the power cord and connect the pos/neg leads to your bus. Most switches will be 5V, so you need to convert the voltage from 12v to 5v. I achieved this by modifying usb car charger, documented in another thread.

  5. #5

    Re: Google sites website I3tiqaad gemirrored naar

    The manual recommends a Linksys 5-Port 10/100 Switch Model SE2500. The manual says this is a 12V unit. I looked this model number up and it is for house use. Where can I purchase the 12V unit? Thank You. Lyle
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  6. #6
    I have one of these installed in my RV-10. It's a little more robust than a typical off the shelf switch. Plus it's designed to be hard wired 12v.
    Bob Leffler
    N410BL - RV10 - Flying

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by twinkle45 View Post
    The manual recommends a Linksys 5-Port 10/100 Switch Model SE2500. The manual says this is a 12V unit. I looked this model number up and it is for house use. Where can I purchase the 12V unit? Thank You. Lyle
    It is a 12V unit and we have them in stock, I have over 1000 hours on mine.
    Rob Hickman
    Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

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