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Thread: Partial Filling of the Tanks

  1. #1

    Partial Filling of the Tanks

    In the past I used to top off where ever we landed but recently I have found it worthwhile to throw in 10 gallons to get us to a more reasonable location. From the operators manual you state the pilot can add or subtract fuel by rotating the joystick for the correct amount and then pressing the FC ADJ button. So are we entering just what is being added or, are we entering the total of the added fuel plus what we already have on board?

  2. #2
    The "FC ADJ" allows adding or deleting specific amounts of fuel from the total. So when you put 10 gallons of fuel in (without filling the tanks), go to the fuel computer page, twist the knob to show 10, and select "FC ADJ". This will ADD 10 units to the FC total.



  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Thoma View Post
    The "FC ADJ" allows adding or deleting specific amounts of fuel from the total. So when you put 10 gallons of fuel in (without filling the tanks), go to the fuel computer page, twist the knob to show 10, and select "FC ADJ". This will ADD 10 units to the FC total.
    Can you split the 10 units? Say 6 in the left and 4 in the right to reflect the amount in each tank?

    Thanks, Ricky

  4. #4
    Advanced Flight Systems Shawn McGinnis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Canby, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by Rbb469 View Post
    Can you split the 10 units? Say 6 in the left and 4 in the right to reflect the amount in each tank?
    The fuel computer is a totalizer and doesn't know left fuel vs right fuel. If you add 6 left and 4 right you would FC ADJ 10 gal.
    Shawn McGinnis

    Advanced Flight Systems

  5. #5
    Thanks for clarifying! Ricky

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