Are there any plans or ability for the following functions:
1) A remote button to activiate a GO AROUND mode which would give the pilot flight director guidance and autopilot capability in a Go Around mode. i.e. pilot activiates go around mode flight director pitches to a predetermined atitude and tries to capture the buged altitude and revertes to wings level roll mode. This could be held until a nav mode is selected and the missed approach is initated. This remote button could also be pressed in a terrian avoidance maneuver or windsher maneuver if the EFIS detects conditions and reverts to these modes and the pilot presses the go around button. Some airlines have such modes of flight guidance. The windshear mode could be triped by a airspeed magnitude and rate change. The terrian mode could be triggered by a time to impact calculation.
2) a speed mode for vertical guidance and autopilot. This mode could also offer protections with a pitch change to prevent stall or Vne.
3) ability for approaches to be flown without a GPS navigator i.e. no Garmin product required and the approach database onboard the EFIS.
Thanks for the info.